Thursday, September 11, 2008

Taking Charge... Or Not

It is 12:46am on Thursday, Sept. 11th. The calm before the storm. Literally. Ike is headed our direction and sleep eludes me. I wish I had taken my camera out with me when I ran errands this evening - those of you who don't live here will think this sounds, well, surreal, but picture this - cars four and five deep waiting to get gas, Wal Mart ran out of gas, the shelves at HEB (one of our major grocery stores) empty of water, empty of "D" batteries, empty of flashlights, lines eight, nine and ten carts deep in the store, Randall's (another grocery store) was out of batteries, almost out of bread, and people everywhere - at midnight! Cars were on the road totally loaded up - plywood is scarce - and yet, inside my house there is no sound save the clicking of the keyboard. Well, that and the buzzing of my phone with text messages. (Yes, there is someone texting me at 1:00am:) - but that's another story for another day!)

I got panicky tonight when I was driving home from work - one set of neighbors has their saw out, cutting board for their windows, another neighbor was loading up their suburban. So I called my dad...

"Dad, what are you hearing? What do you think?"

"Monica, I think ya'll aught to think about heading our way."

"Dad, you realize that's five animals, two kids, one me and two carloads of stuff???"

"Bring it on, Monica." (Actually I think he said, "OK", but the other sounds better - don't you think??)

"Hmmm... I think I'll ride this one out at the moment. I may change my mind tomorrow though. I'll let you know. Thanks Dad."

My panic goes up a notch. So, I call the person who is texting me as I type at this moment.

"I'm getting panicky!!"

"Monica, can you control the weather?"

"Not the last time I checked. Although, you do know that God has consulted with me from time to time - it's one of my gifts:)!"

""Great, that's good to know. But since I don't think God has consulted with you this time and you can't control the weather, what can you do?"

"Umm... relax?? Just make sure I have what we need??"

"Wow - your roots must be brown! Brilliant solution!"

Ok, so maybe the conversation didn't go exactly like that, but close. And yes, I needed to hear that I can't control the weather - my worrying and whining - (I even called my homeowner's insurance this afternoon to check some specifics as far as potential damage) aren't going to change one thing except me - I will use up precious energy on all the wrong things.

God is in control. This storm isn't taking Him by surprise and He knows exactly what will happen. So what do I do?? I do what is most difficult for me to do - just my part. That's all He wants me to do - use common sense, take proper precautions and leave the rest to Him.
Ohh... how I struggle with that - how I think He needs my help! He doesn't - He has it all under control. And the best part - He will take care of Megan, Wyatt and me!

Zephaniah 3:17, "I. the Lord your God, am with you. Mighty to save, I take delight in you. I will quiet you with My love and rejoice o're you with singing. I, the Lord your God, am with you."

1 comment:

Sandy said...

Praying for you guys! Love ya