Saturday, April 12, 2008

TAG - I'm it!

Well, my friend Amy, tagged me to do "100 Things About Me" - so here goes...

1. I was born in Houston, TX.
2. I have lived in ten states: Texas, Illinois, Virginia, N. Carolina, Washington, Maine, Alabama, Oklahoma, Ohio, Kentucky and now I have been back in Texas for 19 years.
3. I have one brother, Sam.
4. He is married to Dianna.
5. They have two boys.
6. Brendan just turned seven and is in the first grade.
7. Connor will be five this summer and will go to Kindergarten this fall.
8. Sam says Connor is his "payback child".
9. That is very good because Sam deserves a payback child:)
10. My parents, Burt and Gale, live about three hours west of us.
11. They live in Boerne, TX, which is northwest of San Antonio.
12. They usually visit us here at my house because I have two dogs and they don't like my dogs to come visit them.
13. My dogs are Molly, a nine and half year old yellow Lab and Lillie, a three year old chocolate Lab.
14. I have two children.
15. My daughter, Megan, is almost 17. (Where does the time go??)
16. She drives a grey Mustang.
17. When she pulls out of the driveway, my heart goes with her.
18. She is a junior in high school.
19. This is our second year of homeschooling.
20. We enjoy it for the most part - there are some great benefits.
21. She is taking classes at HCC (Houston Community College) under the dual credit program - the classes count for high school and college.
22. She doesn't know where she wants to go to college.
23. I think she should take a gap year where she lives at home and waits a year to go to college.
24. Gap year is a European idea and phenomenon. I really like the idea!
25. My son, Wyatt, is six and a half.
26. He is in Kindergarten at Crosspoint Christian School.
27. I have no idea where he will go to school next year.
28. He makes me laugh so hard and so often!!
29. He has his daddy's sense of humor for sure.
30. My husband's name was Kyle.
31. He died three years and nine and a half months ago.
32. I still miss him.
33. I like it when I dream about him.
34. It makes me sad that I won't get to grow old with him.
35. His kids miss him too.
36. He was a very smart man.
37. He always said that he had the street smarts out of the two of us and that I had the book smarts.
38. From time to time he would have me read his gas reports and tell him what they were about - he really didn't like to read all that much.
39. We wanted to retire and grow old in west Texas.
40. He loved being outdoors.
41. He was so excited when we found out Wyatt was going to be a boy.
42. We went that day and bought a football, a pair of blue jeans and a ball cap for our baby boy.
43. I think he was more nervous when I was when I was in labor with Wyatt.
44. I'll never forget the look on his face when he held Wyatt for the first time.
45. He followed the nurses who were holding Wyatt right after he was born - he wouldn't let that baby out of his sight.
46. He called Megan his sweetheart.
47. He wasn't her biological father, but he was her daddy in every way that counts.
48. They used to sit in his leather chair and cuddle and talk and watch football.
49. Megan misses him a lot too.
50. He was her softball coach one year. She loved it!
51. We have great comfort knowing that we will see him again in Heaven.
52. Heaven doesn't seem so scary or far away anymore.
53. We're (Megan and me) going to a wedding this weekend.
54. My little Lizzie is getting married.
55. I was one of Lizzie's nannies when I was in college.
56. She and her parents are now dear friends of ours.
57. I can't believe Lizzie is old enough to get married.
58. I got very teary-eyed at the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner last night.
59. She is going to be a very beautiful bride:)!
60. I love photography - I have a Canon 5D with two of the IS lenses.
61. My photography website is in the process of being built.
62. Two of my dearest friends, Amy and Amber, let me practice on their kids a lot! (Thanks guys!)
63. I think "Cheese" was one of Wyatt's first words.
64. Denis Reggie is my photography hero. (
65. I love all kinds of music - I don't know who my musical hero is though - it's different everyday!
66. I am blessed with wonderful friends - I have three friends from high school that are very dear and we stay in close contact - Amy, Amber and Sheila.
67. Amy has three kids - Grant, Grayson and Greta
68. Amber also has three kids - Hannah, Emma and Joshua.
69. Sheila has two children - Noah and baby #2 is due the first week of May.
70. Sheila and her husband, Ryan, choose not to find out what the sex of the baby is before the baby is born.
71. This may be fun for them, but it is not for me:(!
72. I offered to send a self-addressed stamped envelope to the dr so he could just mail me a little note and let me know, but Sheila vetoed the idea - thanks Sheila! (Just kidding!)
73. These three friends live far away - thank goodness for cheap cellphones, free email and blogs:)!
74. I have many wonderful friends in Houston - my college friends are Judi, Lara, Kristen, Candace, Suzanne, Tammie, Vivian and more. These girls are great - we get together from time to time and have such fun - we all went to Houston Baptist University ( together - go Huskies!
75. I am also blessed to have many friends in Katy (where we now live) - Carlene, Andrea, Cyndi Megan D, and more - we have a Thursday morning group each week. I try not to miss it!
76. I also have some fabulous friends that are fellow single parents - we are such a wonderful support for each other - Gwen, Rob, Mali, Robert (Robert is riding in the MS150 today - go Robert!!), Rainy, Dan, Joel, Amanda, Tom, Brett and more - we love to get together and play Catch Phrase - the girls always win!! Really, boys - you must come to grips with the fact that you can't beat the girls:).
77. I had twenty of my single parent friends over Easter Sunday - we had such fun - we ate and ate and played Catch Phrase - I took pictures - I should post them here:)!
78. Katy has a dessert boutique called "Ooh La La" - it is totally fab - their cupcakes rock - if you ever come visit me, I will insist that we go there at least once! You will be glad we did!
79. I had to take a break from completing this post. While I did, Lizzie got married.
80. She was an incredibly beautiful bride.
81. Yes, I cried.
82. Several times actually.
83. Megan went to the wedding - she looked so very grown up.
84. Before I know it, we'll be planning her wedding - on second thought - she better wait at least 8-10 years.
85. I think I was emotional because even though a lot of kids have passed through my life, Lizzie is one who has been a part of it for almost twenty years now. I have literally watched her grow up - I remember putting bandaids and kisses on scraped knees, playing with make-up as she was learning how to use it, and watching her go from little girl, to young lady, to teenager, to young adult, to a beautiful and incredible adult. What an amazing process.
86. Only a few more things about me to go... Wyatt didn't go to the wedding - weddings aren't really his thing!
87. Lizzie and Marc left in a Rolls Royce - Megan just had to have her picture taken while leaning against the Rolls Royce - enjoy, sweetheart, that's probably the closest you'll ever get:)
88. If I could buy any car I wanted to right now it would be an LR3 - don't ask me why - no real reason other than I like them.
89. How's this one - I wish I had a smaller house - it would be so much easier to clean:)!
90. This is the third day that I have worked on this list.
91. I love to read - I literally have more books than pieces of clothing.
92. I don't have only one favorite author - for "non-Christian" reading I love Sophie Kinsella.
93. For Christian fiction I really like Deanne Gist and Cathy Marie Hake. They write in similar styles and their heroines always end up in hysterical messes - reminds me of my own life.
94. I'm teaching this weekend at church - I teach two classes.
95. We'll be studying Joseph, specifically we'll be looking at the time he spent in prison.
96. I titled the lesson "The Chair" and I'll be bringing a big chair from my house as the visual.
97. I can't tell you anymore because then it would give away a big part of my lesson!
98. I talked to my friend Sheila today - she still doesn't know if she is having a boy or a girl.
99. I'm hoping it is a girl - I think every family should have at least one girl!
100. Yeah - I'm finished - I love the feeling of a completed project!!

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