Sunday, April 13, 2008

Little Lizzie

Well, it is Sunday night and I really should be getting in bed, but I've been uploading all of the pictures I took at Lizzie's wedding and now I'm wired! So... I figured it would be a good time to blog... Little Lizzie got married this weekend - she was breathtaking and even though she isn't my little girl, I watched her grow up, was her nanny for many years and feel as though a little bit of her is mine, if that makes any sense. As she walked down the aisle my mind rambled through the years of scraped knees, days when a kiss and a bandaid cured every ill to days of teenage drama and college adventures, to who she is now - an extraordinary young adult! Yes, I cried. Her other two nannies, dear friends of mine - Judi and Tammie - cried too! I was reminded how blessed I am to be a part of her life and what a joy it has been to watch her grow up - I uploaded a few pictures so you can share in this - special thanks to Lizzie's mom and dad - Jo and Dwight - for sharing her:)! (Yes, I have many run-on sentences in this blog entry - it's late - give me a little break!) Enjoy the pictures!

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